Mattah Rods Are Now Available for Only $65
Rods are made from branches of trees that are whittled and sanded prior to putting on finishing coat and decorations. Tell us what you want on your rod and we will do our best to make it for you.
Wings of Praise
2216 Boxwood Way
Brandon, FL 33511
Fax (813) 425-7690
Phone (813) 546-1018
Business Hours
M - F 9 AM - 5 PM EST
Call for an appointment
before you come by to see us.
We don't want to miss you!
Let Everything That Has Breath Praise The Lord. Psalm 150:6 (KJV)
Wings of Praise
2216 Boxwood Way Brandon, Florida 33511-6001 | PH: (813) 546-1018; FAX: (813) 425-7690